October 16, 2024

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The Illusion of Change: The Unchanged Reality of J&K’s Socio-Economic Woes

THE LATEST TRENDS in the results of the recent J&K state assembly elections show that out of the 90 seats in the state assembly, the National Conference-Congress alliance is leading in 52 seats, while the BJP is leading in 27.

These figures make it almost certain that there will be a NC-Congress alliance in power in the state. But will this benefit the people of the state?

The test of every political activity or political system is simple: does it raise the standard of living of the people? Does it give them better lives? From this standpoint, I do not see how the results of the elections will benefit the people of J&K. Poverty, unemployment, lack of proper healthcare, and good education, and other socio-economic evils will continue as before.

AbdullahThe National Conference was in power in J&K for several decades. It is well known that its leaders were highly corrupt and looted the state, siphoning off a huge amount of money abroad (similar to Nawaz Sharif’s PMLN party and Asif Zardari’s PPP in Pakistan).

Can a leopard change its spots? Since it will be a coalition government, the first thing that will happen will be a mad scramble for lucrative portfolios.

Prime Minister Modi has announced that he will restore the status of a state of J&K, but not restore Article 370.

However, how does it matter to the common man whether J&K is a state or union territory? Will his standard of living rise if J&K is declared a state? Similarly, how does it matter to the common man whether Article 370 is retained or abolished? Will he get a better life if Article 370 is restored?

I submit that it is wholly irrelevant to the common man or woman of J&K whether Article 370 is restored or not, and whether J&K is a state or a union territory, because in either eventuality, it would make no difference to their life.

What one can be reasonably certain about is that corruption and loot will increase exponentially in J&K after these elections.

The newly elected MLAs, who must have spent a huge amount of money in their elections, will naturally like to recover their investment with interest (politics in India, after all, being a business). They would also like to collect a huge amount of money for the next elections.

This would be apart from the money they would want in setting up or expanding a business, and the money they would want for other purposes, such as building a palatial house, buying a big imported car, buying jewelry for their wives and daughters, etc., and saving for the rainy day. Pt Logo


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