Trump’s Historic Felony Conviction: The Stormy Daniels Hush-Money Saga

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Trump is found guilty on all counts

FORMER POTUS Donald Trump has been found guilty on all 34 felony counts in a criminal case tied to a hush-money payment made to a porn star just before the 2016 election. This verdict marks a historic moment as Trump becomes the first American president to face a felony conviction, a shadow that will loom over any future presidential aspirations.

The case stems from a tumultuous period preceding the 2016 presidential election when allegations surfaced regarding a clandestine payment made to adult film actress Stormy Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford.

Reports emerged in January 2018, revealing that Trump’s then-lawyer, Michael Cohen, arranged a $130,000 payment to Daniels in exchange for her silence about an alleged affair she had with Trump in 2006.

Stormy Daniels

At the onset, Trump and his associates vehemently denied any wrongdoing, with Trump claiming no knowledge of the payment, and Cohen initially asserting that he used his own funds without Trump’s involvement.

However, subsequent investigations, including those by federal prosecutors in New York, uncovered a different narrative.

Court documents and testimony began to unveil a web of deceit and cover-up orchestrated by Trump and his inner circle. Prosecutors alleged that Trump not only knew about the payment but also orchestrated efforts to reimburse Cohen for the hush-money, using falsified records to conceal the true nature of the transaction.

The legal proceedings surrounding the case were fraught with drama and controversy. Cohen, once a fiercely loyal confidant to Trump, eventually turned against him, cooperating extensively with federal prosecutors and providing damning testimony implicating Trump in various illegal activities.

The case against Trump ultimately culminated in a high-stakes trial, where prosecutors laid out their evidence before a jury of his peers. Witness testimonies, financial records, and other evidence painted a damning picture of Trump’s involvement in the hush-money scheme, leading to his conviction on all 34 felony counts.

Upon hearing the verdict, Trump remained stoic. He rose slowly as the jurors filed out, his expression darkened with a frown, avoiding eye contact with them as they departed.

The jury, comprised of 12 New Yorkers, endured weeks of salacious testimony detailing tabloid negotiations, a liaison between Trump and adult film actress Stormy Daniels, and the subsequent $130,000 payoff to secure her silence.

Donald Trump

Prosecutors argued that Trump perpetrated a fraud against the American people, alleging he falsified records concerning the reimbursement of his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, who fronted the payment from his own funds.

Sentencing is scheduled for July 11, just ahead of the Republican National Convention.

Although the felony charges carry a potential sentence of up to four years in prison, Trump’s fate remains uncertain. He may receive probation at sentencing and is almost certain to appeal, prolonging the legal battle for years to come.

Nevertheless, the jury’s decision marks a significant chapter in American history, concluding the only one of four criminal cases against Trump expected to proceed to trial before Election Day. punjab


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