Towards effective teaching-learning process

Picture of Dr S S Verma

Dr S S Verma

Some points for imparting effective teaching and becoming good teachers

Teaching-learning process makes an important component of education system anywhere in the world. I strongly believe that no one else can motivate a teacher than himself to be a good or perfect teacher.

However, with an experience of about twenty-six years of teaching I can only share with you my personal beliefs on the above topics related to teaching and learning process with a hope that you will make yourself more effective teachers taking into consideration some of the insights being presented here.

teachingAll the points are simply some of the few observations which I could share with you from my experience as a teacher, however, I can only say that sky is the limit and advise you to make teaching as a passion for you.

If it is a passion, then no hurdle or circumstances of life can stop you from imparting effective teaching and becoming good teachers.

Effective teaching

• Manage yourself in an impressive manner in the class like be positive, prepared, organized, clear, active, patient and fair.

• Be confident about yourself and your delivery of course contents. Know your subject as a teacher should be well prepared about the lecture to be delivered in order to make the teaching-learning process effective.

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• A teacher should go to the class room well prepared and well equipped with educational materials like notes, chalk, white board pen, duster, attendance register etc. Looking for these items in the class room or asking students to arrange these at that time make wastage of time and give a bad image to the teacher.


• Make use of smart educational tools/devices (like smart class rooms) in order to make the teaching process interesting and interactive.

• Make use of white boards in an effective way by dividing the boards into 2-3 parts showing different contents.

• Be logistic friendly towards the students in the class. Do not pamper the students un-necessarily in the class as some times praise can do more harm than good.

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• Instruction matters. A teacher should be a good communicator as well as entertainer to make teaching-learning process more interesting.

• Make the teaching-learning process interactive (a two-way process) and always encourage students to give free and fair feedback on your teaching process and then try to incorporate the changes suggested.

Class room management

• Always be regular in the class and establish standards of behaviour that promote student learning (be patient, well prepared, well behaved and good communicator). That is a teacher should be a role model in true sense

• Avoid any type of distractions (like phone calls etc.) during class time

• Treat each and every student at par

• Always make the teaching-learning process interactive (two way) by giving full opportunity to students to ask doubts

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• Developing effective working relationships with students by interacting with every student on regular basis inside as well as outside the class

Question Paper: Setting

• Question paper being as one of the main tool for evaluation of teaching-learning process which can measure the change in knowledge of the student is also a mean for students to get grades which will help them in career. Therefore, a good amount of care and caution is necessary for setting question papers.

• Thus setting up of question paper at one hand needs to be satisfying the desired requirement towards effective learning as well as on the other hand it should take into account the different levels of student’s capabilities.examination

• Question paper for any course should comply with course outcomes as well as programme outcomes which have been specified in true spirit

• Question paper should be prepared fully as per the paper setting guidelines prepared by the academic body of the institute from time to time.

• Teachers, while setting question papers, should be careful about many important issues and not simply pick and choose some questions from the matters taught in the syllabus prescribed for the course.

• Question paper should not be extra tough and lengthy. Before, giving the question paper to students, a good teacher must evaluate it by putting himself at place of student by solving the question paper in terms of time and toughness.

• The question paper setter should fulfil the assignment with great honesty, dedication, integrity and seriousness.

Evaluation system

• Student evaluation is to measure student course engagement and learning development, and then involving students in improving the overall experience.

examinations• Evaluation of a student in our institute has many components like: General proficiency marks, Attendance marks, Quiz, Minors, Assignments & End semester examination and each of these component needs a distinct evaluation practice.

• Teacher should evaluate every component with honesty, sincerity and without any biasing towards any student.

• The evaluation process by any teacher should encourage transparency and positivity towards a student and should be able to satisfy each student’s curiosity about his performance.

• As an evaluator, always try to stick to timelines of evaluation system.

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Picture of Dr S S Verma

Dr S S Verma

Department of Physics, S.L.I.E.T., Longowal, Distt.-Sangrur

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