Punjab Advocate General Vinod Ghai must resign forthwith, after an alleged disparaging video, gone viral on Social Media

Picture of Bir Devinder Singh

Bir Devinder Singh

In the wake of serious allegations of moral turpitude, Vinod Ghai has no occupational prudence to represent Punjab, in any Court of Justice in India.

A VIDEO which has gone viral on the social media in which an Advocate Kirti Ahuja has openly levelled very serious allegation of moral turpitude against Vinod Ghai Advocate General of Punjab .

If the allegations are factually correct than it’s a very serious matter entailing strict punitive action against Vinod Ghai, who in this kind of situation cannot be allowed to continue as an Advocate General of Punjab, even for a second.

I hope the Chief Minister of Punjab Bhagwant Mann must have taken the desired cognizance of the matter and must have verified the facts of the alleged misdemeanor of the Advocate General, through intelligence sources.

If the allegations are untrue and vague than the Chief Minister, must defend the Advocate General.

But if there is an iota of truth that Advocate General is misusing his exalted office to frighten and browbeat Kirti Ahuja Advocate and her family, then keeping in view the dignity and prestige of the office of Advocate General, Ghai should immediately be asked to put in his papers, failing which it’s a fit case for his summery dismissal.

Vinod Ghai with Kanika Ahuja

The salacious matter involving Vinod Ghai, allegedly having illicit affairs with his junior, is openly being discussed on the social media by Kirti Ahuja (The elder Sister of Kanika Ahuja, who is Junior of Ghai) herself with irrefutable documentary evidence.

It is not only causing serious concerns in Punjab but also causing huge embarrassment to the people of the state, because the name of the Punjab Police and the State of Punjab is being disgracefully maligned in the unsavory controversy.

Although the reputation of Punjab, has already suffered a serious setback in this scandalous matter, it’s the high time for the Chief Minister to wake up and invoke drastic punitive action; none less than the summery dismissal of Vinod Ghai as an Advocate General of Punjab.

I am of the humble view that in the wake of serious allegations of moral turpitude, Vinod Ghai has no occupational prudence to represent Punjab, in any Court of Justice, in India, having an allegedly stained persona. punjab


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Picture of Bir Devinder Singh

Bir Devinder Singh

The author is a former Deputy Speaker of Punjab Vidhan Sabha, and a politician celebrated for his grasp on legislative affairs.

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