Covid-19 & Desh-dhroh

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Team PT

Every morning, the govt tells you the number of Covid-19 cases found positive in the last 24 hours & the total so far.

It did so today, too.

Yesterday, we crossed 5 million cases of Covid-19.

What the govt didn’t tell you is that India saw the last one million Covid cases in just 11 days. The first million was in 169 days, the 4th million had taken 13 days.

Also, yesterday, British Health Secretary said “it’s a matter of weeks now” that the testing logistics will be improved and delays will not happen.

In the US, administrations in most states are saying they are making feverish efforts to reduce the turnaround time for tests but it’ll take some time.

covidBut in India, our Health Minister Harsh Vardhan told Parliament that we are the best, there are no gaps, no flaws, everything is being perfectly run & thanks to Modi ji, nothing more needed to be done.

You are free to deduce how much the govt cares if you or your children live or die.

PS: Mandatory Note of Caution – Efforts to malign the image of the govt are now at par with crime of sedition. That’s, if you escape lynching, which, as you already know, isn’t an Indian phenomenon.

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Team PT

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— Team PT

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