Amritpal must explain to Sikh Community: For what purpose, he brought Guru Granth Sahib to Police Station?

Picture of Bir Devinder Singh

Bir Devinder Singh

Amritpal Singh and his associates have committed a brutal crime that amounts to unashamedly committing a sacrilege of Sri Guru Granth Sahib

The Police Station is defined as a station that serves as headquarter for police force in a particular district or an area; it’s a place where occurrence of crime is reported in a particular area, it serves as a place from where policemen are dispatched and to where arrested persons are brought.

Amritpal Singh with supporters storm Ajnala police station

The same are the parameters that defines the nomenclature of Police Station of Ajnala in District Amritsar.

In other words police station is a place where crime is reported, it’s a place where offenders of the law are brought and arrested, it’s a place from where the police forces are dispatched to maintain the law & order in its jurisdiction.

A police station certainly not a place where Sri Guru Granth Sahib could be brought in, to organize a protest or to organize a religious discourse.

The ambience of the Police Station, Ajnala is certainly not befitting to the pious glory of Sri Guru Granth Sahib and does not qualify to host the divine radiance of the ‘Parkash’ of Sri Guru Granth Sahib there in any form or in any situation, whatsoever.

Amritpal Singh certainly owes an open explanation to the entire Sikh Community that for what purpose, day before yesterday he brought Sri Guru Granth Sahib within the precincts of the Police Station Ajnala, in a vehicle.

The atrociously foolish act of Amritpal Singh of Waris Punjab De was not only religiously objectionable but dogmatically condemnable.

Rather the entire assemblage led by him has committed a blatantly profane and blasphemous act against the sanctity of holy Sri Guru Granth Sahib in flagrant violation of Sikh Religious traditions.

There is no precedent in the entire Sikh History where the Holy Guru Granth Sahib was so despicably used and taken to the Police Station, as a shield to settle a petty crime under IPC and that too to seek the release of just one individual.

Amritpal Singh and his associates have committed a brutal crime that amounts to unashamedly committing a sacrilege of Sri Guru Granth Sahib for which he must be taken to task and be tried under the law.

The SGPC as a sole official and elected body of the Sikh Community is duty bound to lodge an FIR against all those who blatantly committed this crime, unheard in the canons of Sikh Religious traditions.

Apart from this the Punjab Police and other National security agencies must enquire, in to the deep rooted conspiracy, with clinical precisions, having linkages with the ISI conduits to ignite fire and communal violence in Punjab.

What if, the police force has not exercised such a remarkable restraint despite gravest provocation from the protesters led by Amritpal Singh accompanied by a vehicle carrying Sri Guru Granth Sahib, as a protective shield?

A mayhem of horrendous consequences has been averted just because of the solicitous wisdom and highly professional restraint, exercised by the Punjab Police at the cost of they themselves suffering injuries by sharp edged weapons, used by the protesters.

All the police officers who were on the spot at Ajnala on the crucial day, deserves kudos and appreciation for saving Punjab from the unexpected horrors and they were able see through the deep rooted conspiracy of Pakistan to disturb hard earned peace and tranquility in Punjab .

The Sikh Community as a whole must take serious cognizance of the whole issue of misusing Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji to settle disputes of criminal intents or for other unthinkable extraneous purposes. punjab


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Picture of Bir Devinder Singh

Bir Devinder Singh

The author is a former Deputy Speaker of Punjab Vidhan Sabha, and a politician celebrated for his grasp on legislative affairs.

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