‘Amarinder’s dubious weekend, holidays move a green signal to Corona’

Picture of Bir Devinder Singh

Bir Devinder Singh

The bizarre and asymmetrical order of the Capt Amarinder Singh government on incommodious lockdown on weekends and all the holidays, has practically diminished the very objective of having the holidays.

As such the holidays become superfluous if you jam the movement of the general public on holidays. Family men and working women have to work out all the domestic chores on holidays only.

My opinion on the issue may not be construed as a spanner in the wheel of endeavors of the State government to fight Covid-19. But a tangible elucidation of this very idea is required for assimilation of the public opinion.

amarinder singhBy and large, people in Punjab feels that Capt. Amarinder Singh has illogically enforced strict lockdown provisions on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays in view of some supernatural fears on his capricious mind.

I have not been able to see any better reason coming into play in the manifestation of this sublime stupidity. It could be a brilliant ‘Royal Idea’ to control the spread of Covid-19 in Punjab on weekends and holidays only, because as per the perception of the CM, Corona appears selectively on Saturday, Sunday and holidays.

Could anybody help to decode this ‘idiotic logic’ that People may move freely for five days in a week but lock themselves in their houses on holidays?

Ironically, coronavirus has been kind enough to exempt liquor Shops in Punjab from its generative impact. Therefore, to and fro movement to liquor vends has been allowed meaning thereby that the liquor shops are expected to supply liquor unabated till 8.00 PM. God bless the abysmally ignorant advisors of the Chief Minister for imposing unwelcome agonies upon the hapless public ?


The Punjab CM, since being a ‘Maharaja’ essentially belongs to the super human species of mankind and thus seemingly above human emotions. The ‘Maharajas’ are also not obliged to share the pains, agonies or happiness with any social group of human relationships , facing good or bad times.

holidays coronaHolidays certainly meant a lot for common people, who are expected to live an organized life, within the realms of approved social behaviors and family bounds and they are accountable within the social configuration of our society.

It’s very unfortunate that people of Punjab are compelled to surrender to the sufferings of the destiny, eclipsed by notional Governance; paradoxically piloted by an ‘experienced navigator’ the ‘Maharaja of Patiala’, who luckily survived many air crashes, leaving behind the scattered pieces of the aircraft he piloted !! God forbid Punjab now, as the ‘Captain’ forecast the worst peak of Covid-19 in the coming months of August and September.

I would appreciate it if by next Saturday the Punjab Government reviews its current cock-eyed absurd order and replaces it with some reasonably better and practical alternative plan on the lockdown.

Picture of Bir Devinder Singh

Bir Devinder Singh

The author is a former Deputy Speaker of Punjab Vidhan Sabha, and a politician celebrated for his grasp on legislative affairs.

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