Highest Covid death rate in Punjab – Complete collapse of Captain’s ‘Mission Fateh’

Picture of Bir Devinder Singh

Bir Devinder Singh

Highest Covid death rate – Where is your line of duty Mr. Chief Minister?

The Punjab achieving the dubious distinction of having the highest Covid death rate in India, unambiguously demonstrates the collapse of Captain’s meaningless adaptation of ‘Mission Fateh’ in Punjab.

covidThe idea of ‘Mission Fateh’ reportedly brewed up in the fertile mind of the Chief Minister of Punjab Capt. Amarinder Singh.

Captain, stupendously achieved the distinction of CCSCM i.e. ‘Covid-Captive Static Chief Minister’ for the intermittent period of exceptional longevity, quite cowardly, breaching the triumphant spirit of ‘Mission Fateh’ .

The tenacious behavior of the Chief Minister in fighting the Covid pandemic, sounds ridiculously roguish, when he motivates and encourage others to combat bravely the Covid pandemic notwithstanding distresses, but he himself cleverly withdraws from the scene to escape from the perilously unsafe zone and standoffish himself within the four walls of the safe haven of ‘The Saragarhi Farm’ in the Shiwalik foothills.

Once you see through the graph of horrifically revealing data of Covid-19 of the disgraced Punjab, right away you understand the nascent realities of the sufferings of the poor people of Punjab, preponderant on the ground.

covidThe highest CFR (Covid Fatality Rate) in Punjab has alarmed the Government of India; consequently, the Centre has rushed a team of experts to Punjab to study the ground realities.

The team comprising PGIMER community medicine expert Dr. JS Thakur and the Deputy Director of National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) Dr. Akshay Kumar are currently touring the worst affected Districts of Punjab to assess the rot in system vis a vis the SOP issued by the central Government from time to time to combat Covid pandemic.

I’m afraid, what if Capt. Amarinder Singh repeats his rhetoric and object to the visit of the aforesaid central team of the experts and blaming the act as Centre’s intrusion to his understanding of Federalism.

Although Capt. Amarinder Singh has exhorted his Ministers and Congress MLAs to visit the Hospitals in the State to boost the morale of Health warriors and the Covid patients, but astoundingly enough, no tangible result of any such visit appeared to have surfaced in the media, from anywhere in Punjab.

Rajindera Hospital, Patiala

It is also very unlikely to happen, unless the Chief Minister himself moves out his overprotected shelter.

The exhortation would really mean if Capt. Amarinder Singh himself pick up the courage to first visits Rajindera Hospital, Patiala in his own constituency, which has elected him for the fourth consecutive term.

It is a matter of shameful repugnance that Chief Minister has not even cared to visit Rajindera Hospital, Patiala, even once, ever since the breakout of covid pandemic. How could the Chief Minister genuinely expect others to follow his dictates?

covidSince the Charity begins at home, therefore ‘the Soldier Chief Minister’ should rather visit all the five worst affected districts of Punjab to really boost the morale and instill confidence among the selfless Covid warriors, who are bravely fighting the hideous menace of Covid from day one.

After all Chief Minister, Ministers and MLAs all are getting salaries and highly inflated perks from the State exchequer then why only the salaried class of the Government employees be made the ‘sacrificial goats’, their lives are no less precious for their families.

By the way! Where is your line of duty Mr. Chief Minister? Is that strictly limited to your ‘Facebook sermons’ alone, that too from the safe asylum of ‘Saragarhi Farm’?

Come-on Captain! Be a brave soldier of your brave regiment, give Punjab a pleasant surprise, one fine morning, where we could see you walking through the hospital wards of the hapless ailing community of Punjab, mostly affected by Covid pandemic. God will bless you for this rare act of valor and generosity.

Picture of Bir Devinder Singh

Bir Devinder Singh

The author is a former Deputy Speaker of Punjab Vidhan Sabha, and a politician celebrated for his grasp on legislative affairs.

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