Jamia Millia Islamia ranked as India’s best central university by Ministry of Education

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Jamia Milia Islamia has been ranked as India’s best central university in the recent list released by the Ministry of Education. The varsity secured a 90 percent score.

Rajiv Gandhi University of Arunachal Pradesh scored 83 percent, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, scored 82 percent and Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) got 78 percent.

According to a report in The Quint, a statement issued by Jamia Milia mentioned that the ranking is based on a tri-party evaluation signed between the varsity, the HRD Ministry and the University Grants Commission (UGC).

“All the universities were required to sign a tripartite MoU with MHRD (ministry of education) and UGC for continuous evaluation. Jamia was the first university in 2017 to sign this MoU and present itself for performance evaluation,” the statement added.

The reports said that the rank was based on parameters like number of students who get admitted each year in UG, PG, PhD and MPhil courses. It also takes into account the range of diversity among students in terms of percentage of female students as well as students from other states and countries.

The quality of faculty, student-teacher ratio, teacher vacancy also played a part in determining the score.

The Jamia Milia Islamia statement also said that the university did well on parameters of governance, finance, nationwide and worldwide rankings like NIRF, NAAC and QS in addition to co-curricular and extracurricular actions.

Vice chancellor Najma Akhtar attributed the achievement to “high-quality instructing, related and centered analysis of highest high quality and improved notion of the college”. She added that she hoped to enhance the efficiency in the coming years.

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