Politics: Time to clean up

Picture of Vipin Pubby

Vipin Pubby

As against the 26 political parties getting together for the INDIA alliance, BJP attempted to steal the thunder by bringing in 38 NDA parties together.

THE RULING COALITION and the opposition alliance have sounded the poll bugle this week with Lok Sabha elections scheduled to take place in about 10 months. The government has already gone into the election mode while the opposition parties are struggling to bury their differences and come up with a common minimum programme.

The task is very difficult, though very necessary, for the opposition parties to find common ground due to inherent contradictions and rivalry in state level politics.

For instance, getting the Congress, Trinamool Congress and the left parties, all bitter rivals in West Bengal, on the same platform appears illogical. How will these parties decide about fielding candidates remains a big question.

Though the alliance has given itself a clever name – Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance (INDIA), there were evidently serious differences of opinion on naming the alliance with Bihar Chief Minister, Nitish Kumar, and some others opposing such a move. Nitish Kumar’s absence from the joint press conference also appeared deliberate.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, as was expected, has dubbed the alliance as a “conclave or the corrupt” and has hit out at the “dynastic politics” of most of the members of the alliance.

As against the 26 political parties getting together for the INDIA alliance, BJP attempted to steal the thunder by bringing in 38 NDA parties together.

Incidentally it must have surprised everyone to find that the BJP had so many allies. Less than half a dozen have representation in the government while few had heard even the names of the political parties represented at the meeting called by the BJP.

Political pundits also view this move to get together 38 parties as a sign of nervousness among the top BJP leadership.


Prime Minister expressing regret for not being able to meet many of them earlier or ignoring them in the past is also seen as going out of the way to placate them.

Given the recent assembly results, particularly in Karnataka, the BJP is evidently rethinking its strategy and might be even looking for new electoral partners.

Some of the political parties, like the Shiromani Akali Dal, have kept themselves away from both the alliances.

ਪੰਜਾਬ ਕਾਂਗਰਸ
Sunil Jakhar

Evidently it is keeping its options open even as the new Punjab BJP president Sunil Jakhar has ruled out restoration of ties in the near future. BJP’s party observer for Punjab, Vijay Rupani, did mention that nothing can be ruled out in electoral politics.

However it must be admitted that the BJP is a well oiled election machinery and a lot of planning goes behind its strategy. Even on a day when the opposition should have dominated the headlines, it was the NDA alliance that captured the headlines on prime time due to the strategic planning and well-timed speech of Narendra Modi.

While the opposition parties have managed to get together on one stage, the more difficult part would be a joint strategy and a refreshing approach to provide a viable alternative.

It shall have to fight the charge of dynastic tendencies among its constituents and make a concerted effort to prepare a manifesto which does not just focus on removing the Modi led government.

It is time for both the alliances to break some barriers and set some norms. One of these is the representation to females.

Almost all parties announce that they would provide at least one third tickets to women but this announcement is forgotten at the time of ticket distribution when winnability is given top preference.

Similarly the assurances about not giving tickets to those with criminal record was put in the cold shelf. A recent report by Association of Democratic Reforms (ADR) has pointed out that approximately 44 per cent of MLAs in state assemblies across India have declared criminal cases against themselves.

The analysis was conducted after examining the self-sworn affidavits of current MLAs in 28 states assemblies and two union territories.

Of the MLAs analysed, the ADR said 1,136 or about 28 per cent have declared serious criminal cases against themselves, including charges related to murder, attempt to murder, kidnapping, and crimes against women, among others.

The worst was in Kerala where 95 out of 135 MLAs, accounting for 70 per cent, have declared criminal cases against themselves.

The analysis also unveiled disturbing statistics related to crimes against women. A total of 114 MLAs have declared cases pertaining to crimes against women, with 14 of them specifically declaring cases related to rape (IPC Section-376), as highlighted in the report.

Denial of tickets to such individuals and ushering in talent in politics while also enabling people with lesser resources to contest should also be given priority to ensure clean politics. For that to happen the political parties shall have to take a stand for the good of the democracy. punjab


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Picture of Vipin Pubby

Vipin Pubby

The author, a freelance journalist, is a former Resident Editor of Indian Express, Chandigarh, and reported on the political developments in Jammu and Kashmir, North-Eastern India, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana and Punjab in his long, illustrious career.

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