About us

In a paradigm of media paradoxes, we hear two contesting claims. First, that we all know about the problem, let us look for the solutions; and the second, that we first need to understand the problem before even thinking of looking for a solution. Both claims have defenders of the turf, but point to the need for a complex, nuanced, cerebral space for contestation and informed debate and narrative building.

It is towards this end that we bring you this news-and-view portal. Emboldened perhaps by the support of our readers, too.Punjab Today, a media group with its Headquarter in Patiala, has always believed that there is journalism beyond the Breaking News variety that appeals to you. It has always held that a debate about our times, politics, society, culture and us is an exercise carried out in a contested space of ideas and beliefs.

Punjab Today’s online portal will never make any claim to doing ‘mind blowing’ journalism.

We take our readers far more seriously, not as consumers of slickly-packaged media products with views-hit figures. Our guess is that if we live up to our claims, we will probably pass muster your expectations. We are going to grow a lot more accustomed to each other.

We invite scholars, intellectuals, writers, commentators, researchers, reporters and independent correspondents for an expression of their interest to associate with this venture and contribute in building together a platform for information, education, enlightenment and debate.

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