March 12, 2025

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Hooked on Mobile Screens: The Alarming Impact of Social Media on Kids

How Unchecked Mobile Usage and Social Media Are Reshaping Childhood and What We Can Do About It

AN OFFICIAL STUDY conducted in the United Kingdom last year pointed out that 90 percent of children own a mobile phone by the time they reach the age of 11.

It also found that three-quarters of social media users aged between eight and 17 have their own account or profile on at least one of the major social media platforms.

Despite most such platforms having a minimum age requirement of 13, six in 10 children aged 8 to 12 who use them were signed up with their own profiles. Significantly, the study found that there is a “blurred boundary between the lives children lead online and the ‘real world.’”

Kids Mobile PhoneThe situation in India may not be as severe yet, but we are quickly reaching that stage. The “mobile epidemic” has gripped India and indeed the world. Even though parents are well aware of the harmful impact of unregulated access to mobile phones, they are finding it increasingly difficult to monitor their children’s usage.

It is disheartening to see parents gloating over their children quickly learning to operate mobile phones, websites, and various apps even before they turn 10. Some parents take pride in toddlers handling mobile phones and screaming when the devices are taken away from them.

It is a matter of concern that young parents often find it convenient to hand over their mobiles to babies to calm them down or to make time for themselves.

Indian Family Mobile

The harm that mobile devices cause to children is now well documented. Among the most serious consequences of unfettered access to mobile phones is a lack of adequate sleep, as children get caught in the maze of video games or social media platforms. This lack of sufficient sleep, in turn, affects their concentration and leads to poor academic performance.

Additionally, the long hours spent scrolling through screens result in poor social skills. Instead of spending time with friends and peers, these children grow up lacking confidence and adequate social interaction skills.

By constantly living in a make-believe world—most of which is unattainable and purely fantasy—children tend to feel inadequate, leading to anxiety and other mental health disorders. The impact on eyesight caused by prolonged screen time is evident to everyone, yet the problem continues to worsen.

The ongoing global debate centres on how to arrest this trend, protect children, and keep them away from social media.

Kids Mobiles

The Australian government has taken the lead in drafting legislation to keep children below the age of 16 off social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.

The proposed bill, expected to be introduced in the country’s Parliament soon, will put the onus on social media platforms to demonstrate that they have taken “reasonable steps” to prevent access by children, with no penalties imposed on users.

Although most social media platforms already have such rules, they are more often flouted than followed. All these companies currently do is seek an undertaking from users that they are above a certain age.

Kid PhonesAs the UK survey shows, most children provide false undertakings that cannot be cross-verified. Requiring documentation from minors is also not advisable. The Australian legislation seeks to pass the responsibility to companies. However, how effective this approach will be remains to be seen.

It is high time the government—and, more importantly, parents—take proactive steps to stem this epidemic. These measures should be implemented in conjunction with teachers and school management. Doctors and psychologists must also be involved in efforts to mitigate the harmful effects of prolonged social media usage by children.

US Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy issued an advisory last year on Social Media and Youth Mental Health for various stakeholders. It urged policymakers to pursue measures that limit children’s access to social media and incorporate digital media literacy into school curricula.

Girl PhoneThe advisory also called on companies to share information about potential risks of online interactions, take steps to prevent misuse, and ensure default safety and privacy settings for children.

Finally, it encouraged parents and caregivers to create family plans, promote personal interactions and friendships among children, and empower them to act responsibly by reporting cyberbullying and online abuse.

Clearly, we are all in this together and need to put in a collective effort to check this trend, which could have dangerous consequences in the future. Pt Logo


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